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Another Amazing Tripawds Three Legged Dog Blog


Hi Gang,

Took Maggie to the vet last Monday because she was gagging and seemed tired and had a small hard lump on her neck. I was pretty sure what was going on. The vet did a chest xray and she does have lung tumors. The whole thing was kind of a blur for me, but she did have many small and large tumors. I’m going to put her on metronomics  to try and slow the growth of the tumors. In the meantime I’m trying to limit her exercise because she gags when she exerts herself. But yesterday I took her for a quad ride and she rode on back while her sis Blink had to run the whole way. She’ll be the queen from now on. Thanks Rene and Michelle for letting me vent.

This entry was posted on Sunday, April 14th, 2013 at 3:13 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

6 Responses to “Bummer”

  1. rica55
    4:03 pm on April 14th, 2013      Reply

    I’m so sorry to hear this news:(. Sounds like you’ve come up with a good plan sending you lots of hugs

  2. fetchon3
    5:48 pm on April 14th, 2013      Reply

    Bummer indeed. I’m so sorry. But she does have quite a lovely spot there with you! Fight on, dear Maggie! Take it easy and let those drugs work their magic.

  3. Michelle
    8:48 pm on April 14th, 2013      Reply

    Cancer sucks. Sassy & I understand. Just love on Maggie as much as you can that is all I do with her. Give her anything she wants as long as its within reason 🙂

    Take lots & lots of pictures (not just of her but make sure to throw some of you in there to. Make memories that you will always treasure.)

    If you have any questons about the metronomics don’t hesitate to ask. We have been on it a month and the smaller mets of Sassy’s stayed the same size and the big one only grew 1 cm in width & diameter. So maybe it can help slow Maggie’s down as well.

    Michelle & Sassy

  4. benny55
    10:05 pm on April 14th, 2013      Reply

    Awww Sweet Maggie, you stay strong gl and go ahead and let everyone great you like the Queen you are!! Bow down everyone, make way for the Queen!

    Perhaps she needs another trip to her favorite tree—the one where the squirrels are. She could pose in her regal way next to that mighty tree and maybe even gain a little healing energy by immersing herself in the arms of nature.

    You’ve gotloads of support and kowlege from which to draw from people who’ve ad good results from metronimics, nutrition and supplements

    Really keeping all paws crossed formouand Maggie. It’s hard to stay strong but that’s where everyone on the site can help

  5. benny55
    10:17 pm on April 14th, 2013      Reply

    Sorry “IT” (meaning this she-devil tablet!) Cut off again!!

    As everyone always says, Maggie doesn’t know she’s sick. She doesn’t care about any stink in’ diagnosis! She just cares about getting all the loving and spoiling anyone wants to pass her way!! Being spoiled rotten is always good medicine!

    Would lov e to see some more photos of Maggie and her tree. Of you notice, the tree has lots of “scars”, lots of kmots where “limbs” have been, yet it’s still growing, still living and always reaching toward the sunlight. I think the tree has learned a lot from Maggie and Maggie has learned a lot from the tree.

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  6. fourminipups
    12:30 am on April 15th, 2013      Reply

    So sorry about this news. Hoping the metronomics help slow everything down so you can enjoy a lot of time with Maggie.

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