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Another Amazing Tripawds Three Legged Dog Blog


I think enough time has passed I can update everyone without crying through the entire post.  I had Maggie put to sleep last Sat. She was getting really tired and her front leg was swelling and she was falling. My sister came over the Weds before and we had a party with her 2 dogs. I baked a cake for her. On Thurs it was her 6th birthday and we went fishing. She was a great dog, mellow and sweet. She loved horse rides, jeep rides and begging for popcorn (my fault). I never could get her to lead my horse around. She decided it was beneath her I guess. We are going to keep one dog for awhile. Blink seems to be doing okay. Thanks everyone for all your support, it was invaluable during this time.

Penny, Blink and Spirit Maggie

Maggie,Keith,Blink,Willow,Pam and Cinco

Maggie,Keith,Blink,Willow,Pam and Cinco

fishing on my birthday

fishing on my birthday

Me and beer and Blink and Maggie surveying construction

Me and beer and Blink and Maggie surveying construction

This entry was posted on Friday, May 3rd, 2013 at 5:15 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

5 Responses to “Hey”

  1. benny55
    5:58 pm on May 3rd, 2013      Reply

    Heaven must have run out of QUEEN ANGELS because they sure have one now.-..waaaaaay too soon though.

    She’ such a beautiful soul and NOTHING can diminish the bright light she is?

    You know our hearts cry with you and we know there is nothing we can do or say to help diminish your grief.

    The beautiful memories of a life well live and well loved will soon help you adjust. When you feel like it, maybe you can take Blind k and sit by her tree. You will feel her heartbeat there.

    So very, very sorry,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Michelle
    7:28 pm on May 3rd, 2013      Reply

    I am so sorry for your loss. Everytime I read of another Warrior or Warrior Princess crossing I cry. Run Free Maggie. Enjoy being pain free.

    Michelle & Sassy

  3. rica55
    7:59 pm on May 3rd, 2013      Reply

    I’m so sorry about Maggie. This is just breaking my heart. I’m sending you lots of love and hugs from NY. Please feel free to come chat with us if you need any support. We are here for you.

    Lots of love.


  4. princess
    5:13 am on May 4th, 2013      Reply

    I am so sorry. The time you had was way too short. But Maggie doesn’t know that there should have been more time. She just knows that she was loved and life was good.

    Thinking of you and sending many hugs

    Karen and Spirit Magnum

  5. jerry
    5:24 am on May 5th, 2013      Reply

    Penny, I can’t begin to tell you how heartbroken we are about Maggie’s passing, I am so very sorry. She had a personality that shined in your blog and all the pictures you shared with us, we are really going to miss your sweet girl.

    May you find comfort in knowing that you gave her one awesome life, a life filled with good times and love. Remember those moments when your heart starts to feel heavy, they will get you through the sadness.

    Much love coming your way, tonight and always. Maggie’s spirit will always shine on here.

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