Several years ago I planted horseradish because I liked it, especially on veggie dogs. Then one day about a month ago I decided to dig up all the horseradish because it got really tall and unruly and I couldn’t eat it or give it away fast enough. So I thought I dug it all up. A couple of days later I would go out there and more horseradish would sprout up. I dug that up. Again it would come up. Maggie used to sit in the garden and watch me. I decided horseradish was just like cancer and just wouldn’t go away. I’m sure Maggie was wondering why I was digging and prodding and cursing with such a vengeance. I thought about using some pesticide to kill it (chemo)but the green plant next to it (rhubarb) would get damaged (other organs) and besides I don’t use anything stronger than soap. As you can see in the picture the horseradish moved outside it’s border to the rest of the bed (metastasis). I was getting more frantic about getting all the horseradish out but every 3 days more would pop up. I think I decided I (Maggie) wasn’t going to win this battle. It was a plant but to me it was the cancer battle and we were not going to win. So the plant is still there and maybe I will try and look at it in a different way but probably not.
I think enough time has passed I can update everyone without crying through the entire post. I had Maggie put to sleep last Sat. She was getting really tired and her front leg was swelling and she was falling. My sister came over the Weds before and we had a party with her 2 dogs. I baked a cake for her. On Thurs it was her 6th birthday and we went fishing. She was a great dog, mellow and sweet. She loved horse rides, jeep rides and begging for popcorn (my fault). I never could get her to lead my horse around. She decided it was beneath her I guess. We are going to keep one dog for awhile. Blink seems to be doing okay. Thanks everyone for all your support, it was invaluable during this time.
Penny, Blink and Spirit Maggie
Maggie,Keith,Blink,Willow,Pam and Cinco
fishing on my birthday
Me and beer and Blink and Maggie surveying construction
Just a short note to let you know Maggie is doing ok. She gets winded easy and gags but still likes to go out and check things out. She even got to bring a gooey bone into the house last night which is usually a no-no. I bought a video camera on Monday because I want to tape Maggie leading my horse around. I taught her that trick some time ago and it’s a riot. But I’m going to need help posting that. More later. Penny
Hi Gang,
Took Maggie to the vet last Monday because she was gagging and seemed tired and had a small hard lump on her neck. I was pretty sure what was going on. The vet did a chest xray and she does have lung tumors. The whole thing was kind of a blur for me, but she did have many small and large tumors. I’m going to put her on metronomics to try and slow the growth of the tumors. In the meantime I’m trying to limit her exercise because she gags when she exerts herself. But yesterday I took her for a quad ride and she rode on back while her sis Blink had to run the whole way. She’ll be the queen from now on. Thanks Rene and Michelle for letting me vent.
On Monday I had an appointment with my vet because Maggie has conjunctivitis. Being on April Fool’s day I really wanted to play a joke on the vet. So I tried to make a fake leg and tell her how miraculously the leg grew back after 3 months of good supplements. But as you can see it was not a very real looking leg so I scraped the whole plan. My vet is pretty darned smart so she probably wouldn’t have gone for it. Other than the eyes she got a clean bill of health.
A jeep ride and a nap in the leaves.
I received my new Tripawds bandanna the other day and I love it. How did you know pink is my favorite color (next to lime green). And, well I don’t like to brag but I think I look sooo pretty. My question is, does every tripawd wear their bandanna like this?
It was a nice day and Maggie needed to go on a horse ride but first she caught a mouse. Things just couldn’t get any better!